Module 1 - "Earth"
Introductory Lessons & Materials
Student Files Download Page
STEP 1: Download and Review your MODULE 1 Course Workbook
Get a 3-ring binder and make sure that you have a good supply of lined, notebook paper for taking notes related to these lessons. This binder will help you to keep all of your training notes in one place.
As you review your Module 1 workbook, you will notice that the course workbook has space for taking notes beneath each technique title, but this will probably not be sufficient to allow for all of the points that you may want to take note of.
Also... download the following training resource pages:
Student Creed
Life Mastery Creed
Taijutsu Skill Development Chart
Kamae Worksheet
Next... Print out the course level workbook and the resource pages, and insert them into your training binder. NOTE: You will need to print 1 "Kamae Worksheet" for each posture that you learn.
You will be receiving 5 of these module-based workbooks, and several other resource pages over the coming months, and as you progress from one level/strategic response to the next.
You may want to use a tab/divider system to keep all related notes and support materials together within your training binder.
Click the links below to download your first video lessons. Then, review the formula for learning and mastery below to insure that you are doing all you can to understand and correctly train with these lessons.
Formula For Mastery!
In order to get the most out of your new training program, it will be important for you to follow these suggestions. Remember, the first part of the MASTERY process is creating the habits that allow for Mastery to naturally occur.
Suggestions for Success:
1. Set aside a place for regular training. This will be your Dojo ("space for the attainment of Enlightened Mastery"). It doesn't matter if this is your living room, bedroom, yard, space in the basement or cellar of your house, or an actual, "official" dojo. Having a place to train reminds you of the importance of your training.
2. Schedule a time to physically practice your skills AT LEAST two times per week. This does not have to be the same time every day as your schedule may not allow for that kind of strict regimen, but it should be time dedicated to learning and progressing with your new skills.
3. Discuss this, and try to create agreements with, any roommates, spouse, children or other family members. Explain BOTH why this is important to you personally, as well as how they will benefit from your uninterrupted practice and training time.
4. When reviewing your video lessons, watch in one AT LEAST 3 TIMES. Watch it the FIRST time to get an idea of the training presented; the SECOND time to identify skills that you will be working on over the next few practice sessions (avoid jumping around); and, the THIRD time to review and pick up on the details of a particular skill as you work to integrate that new lesson into your muscle memory.
5. Stay in touch with Shidoshi Miller with regards to your progress and questions. That's what he's here for! Training questions can be sent via email to [email protected]. PLEASE put the words, "TRAINING QUESTION" in the subject line for faster response from the Shidoshi.
Administrative Note:
If you have any problem downloading any of the materials or videos above, please email James Alexander, my administrative assistant at [email protected].
To make sure your email gets priority attention, in the subject line please put:
"Attn:James-Module 1 Download" and he will respond to you within 24 hours, Monday thru Friday.
REMEMBER: Getting in front of a teacher will also be important as you work to master the Ninja's arts. In that light, you will receive invitations to live training events so that you can feel and experience the significance of being a part of a greater dojo family. If traveling is difficult, perhaps hosting a seminar in your area would be a great option. That way, in addition to the regular training conducted during the event, you would get additional, personal and 1-on-1 training with Shidoshi Miller tailored to your exact needs! For more information and details on hosting a seminar with Shidoshi Miller in your area, send an email to the above address with the words, "SEMINAR HOSTING DETAILS," in the subject line of the email.
Here's to your achievement of personal and warrior Mastery.
I look forward to training with you very soon!
Your Teacher on the Path!
Shidoshi Miller